Creative Corners: Bryce Dallas Howard
NINE MUSES: Hi Bryce! How’s it going? What have you been up to?
BRYCE DALLAS HOWARD: I’m good! This past year definitely has been eventful to say the least. I chased dinosaurs and was chased by them, explored galaxies far, far away, finished my fourth semester teaching the Nine Muses Lab, and released a love letter to fathers that I’m really proud of. Some of these adventures are actually what brought me to this specific creative corner in California.
Also, a life hack I learned in this time is to keep looking forward, so I’ll add that I’m super excited to celebrate my 40th birthday next month!
NM: Congratulations, that’s a major milestone!
BDH: Thank you! I’m planning on doing absolutely nothing — ha! But I’m thrilled for this next chapter. I think my forties are gonna be a fun decade.
NM: So tell us a little about your Creative Corner. What about this space makes you inspired and ready to create?
BDH: My Creative Corner is this incredibly soft and cozy beige couch my parents have had for almost fifteen years. I’m kind of like a cat; once I find my spot, I don’t move. Sitting (or let’s be real, lying) on these well-loved seats is where I do a lot of my writing, line-memorization, and directing prep. I think artists would get a lot more done if we were more comfortable — counterintuitive, right? But when we trust the space we’re in, we are actually more open to receive all the muses have to offer and willing to take risks.
NM: Smart! How else do you stay comfortable? What snacks and drinks do you like to keep nearby?
BDH: It’s very important to stay hydrated and nourished, so I like to have a few big bottles of Mountain Valley Spring Water and some brain food around. For years I’ve been snacking on Sarah Ann Haugen’s Vitalist High Frequency Foods, especially the Unicorn Protein Nut Balls. A deep thank you to these snacks for unknowingly sponsoring some of my greatest breakthroughs!
NM: Speaking of which, what’s a significant breakthrough or realization that you’ve had in this space?
BDH: I recently directed a commercial for the first all-civilian mission to spaceand as we got into post-production, we faced the daunting task of selecting the score. For days we went back and forth, trading songs, trying to find the right sound. We explored everything from hard rock to superhero score to contemporary pop, and whether or not to choose a song with a space-related pun (“Fly Me To The Moon” and “Eclipse” definitely made the finals).
It was lying on this very couch that I closed my eyes and tried to imagine what the audience might want to feel. The first thing that came up, which now feels so obvious, was safe! We needed a song that captured the wonder and possibility of the galaxy, but ultimately made people feel safe about embarking on this venture. The team then dove into songs that put the child-brain at ease and that’s when we all landed on Celeste’s soulful rendition of “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”!
How do you prefer to document your work?
When I was younger, my dad would take notes on buck slips (half-size slips of cardstock) and it made his feedback look so official. As soon as Nine Muses Entertainment had its logo, designed by Akiko Stehrenberger, my husband and I immediately ordered buck slips for the company. These cards are my favorite way of taking notes because the size makes it easy to distribute to others.
Any rituals, habits, or routines you have in this space?
I always start a fire — it could be a whole fireplace or just a few beeswax candles, but I do this because I love the symbolism of creating and tending to a spark, much like creative sparks. And the warmth, crackling sounds, and smell are all so soothing! Have you ever gazed into a fire? It takes you into an absolute trance and is the perfect spot to fix your focus and let your mind and creative thoughts wander until you’re ready to continue working.
Other than your own, what artwork exists in this space?
Such a good question! A lot of music exists here. I recently found a “Book Club” playlist on Spotify that I love for keeping me centered, focused — and if you haven’t picked up on the theme — cozy.
Do you have a creative philosophy?
The key to a sustainable life in the arts depends on collaboration and creating your own work.
Lightning Round Questions
How would you describe yourself in five words?
I’m born to belly laugh
What are your favorite documentaries?
Ones about the fashion industry or biographies about interesting women from the past — but honestly, I’ll watch any documentary as long as it’s not too tragic!
“Alexa, play music.” What plays?
80s hits
Which Greek Muse do you relate to?
Euterpe (she inspired poets, authors, and dramatists)
What character would you want to be friends with?
Why Grogu (sweet Baby), of course!
“When we trust the space we’re in, we are actually more open to receive all the muses have to offer and willing to take risks.”